STEAM School Gardens
Physical Science – Engineering – Creative Design
- N/a
- 1 year long (2 Semesters)
- 4th – 8th
Elem./Middle School
Work on this project starts in the fall with students researching their growing zone, determining what plants/vegetables are best suited to their location, and working together to decide on a list of things to plan in the spring semester. Student groups should begin keeping detailed journals or workbooks to document their progress. Students will reference the vegetable planting calendar and make note of when their chosen vegetables should be started indoors and when they should be transplanted outside.
From here, students will learn about the design of garden beds and how to best arrange their chosen plants. Additionally, students will focus on design and aesthetics. They will make plans to incorporate their garden into an existing green/outdoor space on the school campus, with special focus being given to design choices that make the gardens a pleasant addition. For the rest of the fall semester, time will be spent constructing the garden beds and preparing them for planting.
For Teachers:
- Planting Calendar: Students will use this to identify their geographic location and determine what vegetables to grow, when to start seeds, and when to transplant them.
- Guide to Vegetable Gardening in Georgia: In-depth guide. Contains a detailed planting chart for the state of Georgia. Highly recommended to find a resource like this for your state if it exists.
For Students:
- Basic Guide on Constructing a Garden Bed: Useful in helping to guide students in their own garden bed design.
- Guide to seed starters: This is a comprehensive walkthrough on how to making seed starters.
- Guide to transplanting seeds (indoors to outdoors): Consult this guide when the time for seedlings outdoors